Large scale energy storage is a necessary technology for achieving the decarbonisation of the world's energy system. Holding sufficient low carbon energy for long durations is needed to deliver a smart and flexible energy system that can also support heating as well as transport. It will allow the storage of excess renewable electricity for times of high demand with low weather-dependent generation.
Energy Storage on a Gigawatt-Scale
Gyrerg is a large scale energy storage technology concept under development by VerdErg Renewable Energy that will generate and store energy on gigawatt-scale.
Video: Gyrerg offers gigawatt-scale energy storage
By storing imported wind, tidal or solar energy from nearby projects, together with self-generated wind energy, Gyrerg will allow the UK to generate and store, in UK waters, energy on a mega scale that is predictable, reliable and safe for the environment. It will also allow the National Grid to maximise the efficiency of wind and solar farms by reducing downtime needs due to supply and demand imbalances or network constraints.
How Does it Work
Gyrerg is a large floating horizontal flywheel which stores mechanical energy by rotating about its vertical axis. It can be sited offshore or floating in a circular trough of water onshore.
The energy can be delivered as electricity to the end user or used to produce hydrogen by electrolysis.
VerdErg Renewable Energy is developing multiple large scale energy technologies, including tidal range and run-of-river low head hydropower, as well as flood mitigation and coastal protection infrastructure. Further information can be found on or by getting in touch.
Contact us for more information:
Tel: +44 (0) 203 696 4530
Large scale energy storage is indeed an important subject and problem that will need to be solved in order to apply sustainable energy as a reliable power source on a national or even international scale. However, it seems to me that this design lacks focus and is needlessly complex. Issues or "challanges" if you will If it is meant as an inertial battery, one needs to consider the giant amount of friction that the water will still exert on the (concrete?) structure. Even if it is just on the sides. The energy put into the device will likely be lost within a day or less. Adding the wind turbine on top will probably keep it going, but what will the kilometres…